Icom 781 Info

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Couple of updates - one is critical info for all US hams, and the second is new fun on the air. First - The ARRL did really well I'd say in getting 69 US representatives from the house to consponsor HR4969.. the "Amateur Radio Parity Act". In a nutshell it lets Hams use, essentially, PRB1 in housing areas covered under HOAs. This is a HUGE HUGE HUGE opportunity. Anyway time ran out on the session and so it will need to be reintroduced. I'm proud to say three friends of mine (Grant-W5XJ, Dhiren-K5FPP and Maury-W5IO) and I were able to successfully lobby Pete Sessions for only one of two house representatives in Texas to cosponsor the bill. So needless to say with the "scent" of success you better believe we are going to pour it on this time. We could not have done it without all four of us. Guys, thank you!!! If you are interested in helping out this time in other districts in Texas, help us bring it home. Please send me an email: km5l@ARRL.net and I'll tell you how you could help. __________________________ # 2 Operating fun - been discovering JT65 and JT9 this month, what FUN. I am sooooo impressed with the capability of these protocols, the HF versions written for weak signal application by a fellow name Joe Taylor, K1JT. I decided to keep it QRP, 4 watts, so far on 80 and 40 meters I've been able to confirm QSOs with HB, JR, VK and SP, DX wise - wow, 4 watts! I love this mode and it has excellent public service potential. 73, Patrick KM5L

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